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WHEN YOU ARE OLD. (puc 2nd)

WHEN YOU ARE OLD                "SUMMARY". 2nd PUC English Summary's *  Romeo and Juliet Summary *  Romeo and Juliet  Important Question and answer *  When You are Old *  On Children *  Water                                                                                                                               W.B.YEATS           T he poem of 'WHEN YOU ARE OLD' is written by the famous poet W.B.Yeats. He was the greatest poet in English language in 20th century.          In this poem the poet addressed his beloved who was most beautiful young lady his time. The poet imagines her future years and his true love in future. The poem begins the first stanza addressing her imagining her to be in her old age.The poet tells that.When you become old and your heir became gray and you having full of sleep in your eyes. And nodding before the fire then take down the book of my poem and slowly read and start taking dream of the soft look in