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Showing posts from September, 2023


  Introduction to RGUHS and its Importance in Medical Education RGUHS, or Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, is a renowned institution in the field of medical education. It plays a crucial role in shaping the future doctors and healthcare professionals. With its comprehensive curriculum and emphasis on practical training, RGUHS equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the medical field. Understanding the Structure and Format of RGUHS Question Papers When preparing for examinations, it is essential to familiarize ourselves with the structure and format of the question papers that RGUHS uses. These question papers, designed to assess students' understanding and competence, can be categorized into two types: theory-based and practical-based. Types of question papers in RGUHS Theory-based question papers: These question papers primarily consist of theoretical concepts, requiring students to demonstrate their understanding throu

Why Purvakarma before panchakarma

 Purvakarma are the set of action done prior to the panchakarma. These are necessary steps which has to be followed before doing panchakarma.  Need of  Purvakarma   The aggravated doshas which get obstructed in the site of disease. These Doshas has to be brought to the Koshtha from the periphery and then eliminated by the help of proper use of one of the panchakarma procedure. Purvakarma Procedure  This is involves 2 steps they are 1.Snehana (Oleation Therapy) 2. Swedana (Sudation Therapy) 1) Snehana:- There are two types of snehana Antah (Internal)snehana and Bahir (external ).snehana. *In the internal snehana medicated Ghrita or Taila is given internally as prescribed by the physician based on the level of dosha vitiation.  *In the external snehana the body is massaged with the medicated taila and try to bring the vitiated dosha from shakha to koshtha Benefits of Snehana : -The body gets firm, skin becomes soft and moist, Doshas move towards koshtha  2)Swedana:- In this therapy fome

Do you know about Ayurveda ?

The Ayurveda is a ancient science of medicine or "Life of Knowledge" which was mainly practiced is india. this science is thousands years of old and practiced from ancient time.   The school of medicine was in the form of "Gurukula system" * Aims of Ayurveda:-                                     "Swasthsya swasth rakshanam                                       Aaturasya vikara prashamanam"   Meaning :-Maintaining the health of healthy person and treating the disease of diseased person.  *Treatment principle of Ayurveda:-               "Rogasthu dosh vaishamyam                                                                                Dosha samya arogata"  Menining: The treatment principle of ayurveda is mainly based on tridosha concept i.e the equilibrium of doshas is mainly rsponsible for health and disequillibrium is responsible for disease. * Texts of ayurveda: ayurveda has mainly available in the for scripters which are called as samhita